In the center of attention of regular meeting of Polish–Ukrainian discussion platform, which was started by the General Consulate of Poland in Vinnitsa and NGO "Podolian Agency of Regional Development" as the example was taken Polish experience in the development of the Internet and e-governance.
During the discussion, which was held on December 11th at the "Intershik Gallery, the main speakers were the candidate of technical Sciences, graduater of Lane Kirkland program (Poznan University of Economics) Michael Kotenko and master of public administration, head of the Secretariat of the Strategic Advisory group on e-governance, the graduater of Kirkland program (University of Warsaw) Oleg Levchenko.
The participants of the meeting discussed, in particular, the following topics:
Experience of e-governence in Poland and the possibility of using it in Ukraine;
Internet space of Ukraine and its formation in the Polish and other European experience;
Comparison of Internet content and Internet audience in Ukraine and Poland to the forecast of its development in Ukraine;
Practical aspects related to e-commerce. Polish experience for small and medium businesses.
Here can not be a single unique experience for Ukraine, neither the Polish nor Lithuanian or Estonian, - said in the beginning of the conversation Oleg Levchenko. Because Ukraine is different country, with another stage of development, but without using best practices - Polish, Lithuanian, Estonian and others - we will not be able to create the best system. For us it will be better than the other, it will be different, it will be ours. We take a lot of useful ideas from other countries. For example, now we are starting to work on the introduction of electronic systems in Verkhovna Rada. The project "RADA " is funded by American Government and has the task to develop a simplified communication between MPs and ordinary citizens.A very good and simple is the Lithuanian experience in the discussion of draft laws. Poland''s successful experience in this field, the mechanisms of registration and identification, as well BIP (Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej), i.e. ballot of public information, through which all public institutions periodically report to citizens in electronic form on its activities. Useful for implementation in Ukraine can become the experience of the Polish electronic service "Jak Dojadę" ("drive"), which allows you to determine the best way to get from one point to another by public transport. The Estonian experience is the experience of electronic interaction, etc.
A comparative analysis of the development of the Internet in Poland and Ukraine was the theme of the scientific work of Michael Kotenko in the framework of his participation in the scholarship program in Kirkland. This topic he revealed during his speech at the meeting of the discussion platform "Internet and e-governance. The experience of Poland for Ukraine.
Michael Kotenko said that Internet is the main tool of e-governance, told how the internet was appeared Internet in Poland and in Ukraine. Also M Kotenko noted that the percentage of Internet users in Poland and Ukraine is now almost identical, but in Poland more users of the Internet among older people (they are, in particular, actively use e-auctions).
Positive for the further development of the Internet in Ukraine scientist notice that is actually in each district administration fiber-optic cable is supplied. The number of users are increased by providers of cable television services.
But as for the state economic patriotism and national Internet, here is M Kotenko’s observations were not too optimistic.
It is hard to imagine a Frenchman, who every day searches of any data on German servers. Yes, we all are usuing American servers, because American servers are actually international, America is the founder of the Internet, "Google" is American, "Skype" is American today ... But Ukrainians are very often use Russian means. The problem is quite serious. It led that we lost the information war to our Northern neighbor, said Mikhail Kotenko and advised Ukrainians to create high-quality bilingual sites, as it has , for example, the newspaper "Zerkalo Nedeli", which duplicates all of their materials in Russian; also to translate English literature (of course, in compliance with the legislation concerning the protection of copyright).
During the meeting were discussed different levels of interaction between the public Internet and citizens. First, the easiest level is - Representative(information about the institution on the website); the second collection of information and the possibility of its loading (e.g., cadastral system, the development of which in Ukraine is still based system corruption); the third level, the highest - online-consultation discussions, hearings, open information in electronic form, electronic orders and delivery of services. The first successful steps on this high level, according to M. Kotenko, word were made, for example, by "Ukrzaliznytsya", "Ukrposhta" and some other structures.
At the end of the conversation Vice Consul of GeneralConsulate of Poland in Vinnitsa Damian Tsyartsinskyy thanked the attendees for their interest in the discussion and announced the next meeting in the framework of the Polish-Ukrainian discussion platform. The next discussion will be on "the Image of Ukraine and Russia in various European
Польсько-українська дискусійна платформа – це спільний проект Генерального консульства Республіки Польщі у Вінниці та Громадської організації «Подільська агенція регіонального розвитку», метою якого є обмін думками в культурній, політичній та економічній сфері дляформування спільного бачення розбудови майбутнього України. Ініціаторами та основними доповідачами є випускники польських стипендіальних програм.