"Development and promotion of e-governence practices in Vinnytsia local community"
In 2006, by public organization "Initiative" established by NGO "Podolian Agency for Regional Development" (PARD), supported by the International Fund "Revival" the project was made "Development and promotion of e-government practices in Vinnytsia local community", the first step in the development of public component of E-governence in Vinnitsa city Council.
Within the frames of project were established terminals of access to electronic resources of the city created a portal of a public access to electronic information, enhanced the strucutre of electronic document flow VCC, implemented a pilot promotional webpage of territorial communityof Vinnitsa as a centralized point of access to the e-governance. Databases were created to conservate documents, regulations and appeals; made combining of disparate databases and generalization in searching them. Developed marketing strategy promoting opportunities for e-governence within the territorial community of Vinnitsa. Developed and implemented educational campaign to form habits of effective use of resources by citizens of e-governance and developed recommendations for the development of this area of VCC.
In 2006-2007, the Public Organisation "Podolian Agency for Regional Development" in the framework of the LED «Local Economic Development" developed a "Strategic Plan for Economic Development of Vinnitsa City Council", which laid the basic directions and projects in the implementation of e-governance in Vinnitsa (ISO Certification , opening of "Transparent Office" GIS development of components of of city management, etc.). The result of these projects was the dynamic development of electronic governance in Vinnytsia.
"Forming partnership of public and local authorities in the field of public e-governencet" project as the result became dynamic development of electronic governance in Vinnytsia.
Within the framework of project "Forming of partnership of public and local authorities in the field of public e-governence", supported by the International Fund "Renaissance" and Vinnitsa City Council in early 2012 on the basis of NGO "Podolian Agency for Regional Development" was established municipal-community center "E-government ". With the support of the local community NGO "PARD" received for rent an office for creating the Center, the " Microsoft " company agreeted to provide the center with nesessary software the worth of it is over 400 thousands of UAN.
The purpose of creating of MCCEG - to strengthen communication between the public and representatives of local authorities, to involve citizens in the decision-making to promote transparency and openness of government.
The main objectives of the Centre:
-Establishing of mediated forms of communication between local authorities and public;
- Ensuring public access to socially important information;
- supporting of manifestations of local democracy by means of e-governance;
- Promoting of e-governance in Vinnitsa and other cities of Ukraine;
- facilitating of development of local government;
- sharing of experience on implementing e-governance with other cities, taking into consideration the best and worst practices;
- The accumulation of efforts of experts in e-governance questions (representatives of CBOs and NGOs) from different regions of Ukraine to develop common recommendations and decisions.
In the activity’s frames of the municipal-community center of E-government there are three main areas of work:
Carrying out of researches in the field of e-governance implementation. BY the initiative of the NGO "PARD" coalition of NGOs: NGO "Podolian Agency for Regional Development" Association of Cities of Ukraine, NGO "Civil Society Institute», Transparency International Ukraine, Civic Network "resistance" Association "City e-governance Ukraine" and the National Center for e governance was monitored effectiveness of the implementation of e-government 100 largest cities in Ukraine on 15 January 2013, in which it was studied the quality of implementation and development of the two basic tools of e-governance, official websites and electronic document management system of local governments of cities of Ukraine included in the sample. As a result of monitoring was found the main tendencies in the implementation and development of these tools, outlines common problems it was also found the best examples of using of informational and communicational technologies which were formed locally , ranked cities recommendations for more effective development of e-governance in the cities of Ukraine with the purpose of increasing their transparency, publicity and assistance with more active cooperation with the public.
Specialists of MHTSEU in cooperation with the involved partners carried out a detailed analysis of national legislation in the field of e-governance and formed an analytical report "Regulatory support of e-governance in Ukraine" .
Networking players and stakeholders involved in the implementation and development of e-governance in Ukraine and conducting training. In 2012, it was formed a circle of experts in e-governance (Club E-governance experts) - representatives of local governments and non-governmental organizations interested and involved in the development of e-governance in Ukrainian cities . During the year, were organized 4 expert meetings, during which were discussed many important issues developed general guidelines for the development of standards implementation of e-government, carried out an analysis of the legal framework, prepared a resolution in which representatives of CBOs and NGOs appealed to the public authorities with specific offers for more effective implementation of e-governance , it is certainly contributes to the gradual formation of public e-governance in territorial communities of Ukraine, closer and more effective cooperation of local authorities and civil society organizations .
More than 200 representatives of community of Vinnitsa (journalists, students, representatives of NGOs and Vinnitsa City Council) had training at School of "E-governance" that operates on the basis MCCEG acquainted with the theoretical bases and feature development of e-governance and e democracy in Ukraine and in the world, receiving practical skills to use separate tools for e-governance to simplify interactions with government.
The representatives of COs and NGOs in 25 cities of Ukraine took part in the one-day trainings "Technologies of e-governance as an example of Vinnytsia City Council." Participants were able to study not only explore the theoretical basis for the development of e-governance, but also the example of the Vinnytsia city council to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the practical use of certain instruments of e-governance in local government activities.
Developed and launched portal of "e-governance workshop» (www.e-gov.in.ua), which focuses date information on the introduction of e-governance in Ukraine: Legislature, analytical and journalistic articles, studies, quarterly electronic bulletin "electronic Democracy in Ukraine" best practices of implementation of specific tools of e-governance in local government in the form of mini-cases and off-line webinars.
In addition, based on MCCEG was created a course of lessons on "Basics of digital multimedia data" under the "Information Dissemination» IDEA - organized courses for the training program "Unlimited Potential", developed by Microsoft specialists . With the support of the development of Ukrainian media the US Embassy in Ukraine on the basis of MCCEG a webinar was held on "Introduction to New Media. Needed skills for journalists. "
Advocacy (lobbying public) - development documents, standards implementing e-governance, organization of public debate generated documents, lobbying for their adoption, implementation at regional and national level. During the final conference "E-governance and e-democracy in Ukraine municipalities, government and NGO partnership", which took place in December 2012, prepared a resolution in which participants, representatives of local governments and NGOs have developed offers for steps which should be done at the State level by local authorities, civil society organizations towards the establishment and development of e-governance in Ukrainian cities.
The project made it possible to formulate the circle of experts on the introduction of e-governance, encourage them to actively debate, the search for new effective solutions, popularized the idea of e-government to the public, the establishment of close working relationships between the concerned of local authorities and NGOs cities Ukraine and other countries that will become the basis for more intensive and effective development of e-government in the cities of Ukraine in the near future.
The project made it possible to formulate the experts on the introduction of e-governance, to encourage them to active debate, searching for new effective solutions, popularized the idea of e-government among the public the establishment of close working relationships between the concerned of local authorities and NGOs in Ukrainian cities and other countries that will become the basis for more intensive and effective development of e-governance in Ukrainian cities in nearest future.