In Vinnytsya within the framework of Polish-Ukrainian discussion platform has already been presented the second book in the genre of historical reportage (non fiction). First book was presented in October a work Oleksandr Zinchenko "Parrot''s hour " about Polish officers who were killed by the Soviet regime.
And now, January 28, a young but already known Ukrainian writer and translator from Uzhgorod Andriy Lyubka told us about the book of Polish author Lydia Ostalovskoyi "Watercolors", which was translated into Ukrainian by him.
Lydia Ostalovska writer, journalist of “Gazeta Vyborcha” writes about those for whom hardest to live in this world : National Minorities, women, subcultural youth and other vulnerable segments of society. Her "Watercolors" – is a story about one of the least researched genocide during the Second World War, the victims of which were European Roma (Gypsies). At the same time this amazing life story of Czech Jewish Dina Ґotlibovoyi. She is 19 years old girl , in a concentration camp "Auschwitz" by order of "angel of death" Dr. Mengele painted portraits of Roma, over which he made his cruel experiments. Everyone who was painted by her soon was killed.
The fate of the main character of the book is really good for a Hollywood drama. She is managed to survive in a death camp, and after the war was married to famous Disney multiplier Art Bebita and made a successful career, then tried to sue in museum "Auschwitz-Birkenau" her own watercolors.... the background of this real thriller is information Romas - as it is one of most mysterious people of Europe, about their history, beliefs, life, food, culture .
During the discussion in "InterShyk gallery" Andriy Lyubka spoke about his participation in the Polish educational program «Gaude Poloniaabout the scientific interest of Roma, about introduction of the book and about his translation of this book .
Those who were Present at the meeting asked the guest questions not only about the Polish book, but also about his own work. For those who interested in modern Ukrainian literature, know that Andriy Lyubka – is an author of short stories "Killer", three books of poetry and a book of Essenes "Sleeping with women", he is a winner of literary awards "Debut" and "Kiev Lavra".